Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mmm, baseball

I just want to take a moment and say how much I love baseball. Maybe I'm a nerd, but I really like stats. I don't know what it is, just seeing exactly how poorly/well someone has been playing and you can compare it objectively to someone else--

Alright, I am a nerd. But still, baseball is awesome. It's the only sport where little old ladies and drunk college kids come together as fans. My favorite thing about baseball is the fact that on any given night, something totally ridiculous can happen. I love perfect games, grand slams, huge blowouts, and games that go to extra innings. Pretty much, there's always an opportunity for the amazing and the absurd.

And the Indians are 6-1 after the All-Star break. That's all I'm gonna say. Just 15 more wins and they get to .500

Yeah. It's not gonna happen. But it could....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A tiny moment of sadness

Just had one. Been blog-hopping and fell upon a few in a row about new mothers.

I totally want a baby, but I know that right now is not the right time for it, plus I would have to wean myself off of my medication to avoid birth defects. Basically, I'm just kind of bummed out. I'm only 23, but my biological clock is starting to poke at me every now and then, and even though I know that I don't really want a baby so much as I want the concept of a baby (diapers and 4am wake ups don't appeal to me), but, I'm still a bit down about it nonetheless.

So what should I do? I think I'll snuggle my kitty.


Movie Review! Inception

So, I saw Inception over the weekend, and I gotta say, I was underwhelmed. If you want to see it and haven't, don't read the rest of this entry, because there are spoilers coming.

Ok. So. As always when I'm expressing my opinion, a little background about me is helpful. For those of you who don't know what this movie is about, IMDB it.

Done? Good. Back to me. When I was 15, I started taking Effexor, an anti-anxiety anti-depressive. The drug has about 30 side effects, the only remotely pleasant one being extremely vivid, occasionally lucid dreams. When I realized I was having lucid dreams, I started doing some research (See: Waking Life) on how to control my dreams and make them not suck, cause they were kind of horrible. To make a long story short, I can now control my dreams approximately 10% of the time, which is way better than I was doing before.

Now, to my problems with Inception. As a lucid dreamer, it's hard to watch someone try and explain it without calling it what it is. The Totems in the film that the characters use are totally unnecessary, albeit an interesting plot point (especially for the film's ending). They would have been better off using the fact that, in dreams, you cannot look at clocks. You can see them, but you can't make out the time. (Try it.) Dialing phones is also inexplicably difficult, as is turning on light switches, reading, or watching a movie or TV show. Basically, there are about 85 different things that can tell a lucid dreamer that they are, in fact, dreaming. (Or, that they're awake.) So, that's problem number one.

Problem number two is more specific and probably plays to my slight OCD. In the final dream sequence, when the car is falling off the bridge, the absence of gravity affects the hotel. It doesn't affect any other layers of the dream. This makes no sense. I'm willing to suspend my disbelief when watching a film only if the filmmaker follows the rules of the world of the film. If you start breaking your own rules, you lose the audience.

The final problem I had wasn't really illustrated until after I watched the movie and realized that the people I had seen it with (my parents and fiance) didn't get the ambiguity of the ending. It was obvious to me that we weren't supposed to know whether or not Leo was dreaming at the end, since the top was still spinning. My mother contested "but it was slowing down!" Yes, Mom, but it never actually stopped. The average filmgoer simply will not get that, if my parents and fiance, with about 7 professional and collegiate degrees between them, didn't see it. My interpretation of the movie was that the entire film might have been a dream, (why is his father teaching in Paris if he lives in Los Angelos? Why, at the end, are his children wearing the same clothing he always visualizes them in?) and Leo might still be in limbo. I hate that people need things totally spelled out for them until they see them.

OK, rant over.

All this being said, I would still recommend the movie, if only for the visual effects, and the fact that it will make you think a little bit, although I'm still underwhelmed by it as a whole.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm taking my talents to South Beach

Ok, so this has been on my mind lately, as I'm sure it has been on every sports fan's minds the past week or so, so here's my take.

First of all, I'm just going to say that I'm totally biased, obviously, because I grew up in Cleveland, currently live in Akron, and have always been a gigantic Cavaliers fan. That being said...

Seriously, LeBron? What the hell? That "Decision" bullshit was one of the worst things I've ever seen. (Side note: It's pathetic that more people watched that than Obama's state of the nation address) I kept expecting a big "Psyche!" out of his mouth at any moment. I really just can't give him any sort of a pass for some of the things he said.

"If I win a championship in Miami, it will be good for Cleveland." or something to that effect. Are we serious right now? If Miami wins a championship it won't mean jack shit for Cleveland, just another season that goes by without a title. I think he might be delusional.

Although, I feel like I have to consider some things when thinking about LeBron. He grew up with everyone around him telling him that he was the shit, that he could do no wrong, and it didn't matter if he didn't marry his the mother of his children, it didn't matter if he did a press conference after the end of the series against Orlando last season, nothing matters, because he's LeBron, and he can do whatever he wants. Growing up like that, you can't expect someone to really think of others, because they're so busy thinking about themselves, since that's what everyone else is doing.

We should also consider his mother in this equation. Reports have said that his friends urged him to stay in Cleveland, while his mother was hoping he would play for Miami. Big. Fucking. Surprise. Gloria James is totally nuts. Like I said, I live in Akron, and have seen her around town. My favorite Gloria encounter would have to be one from about a year ago, when I was working as a hostess at a chain restaurant (think Applebee's, but not Applebee's). She blew in with about six or seven other people (wearing glittery jeans, mind you, which I would not recommend for anyone over the age of 12), and proceeded to get totally wasted at the bar. When my shift was over (about 2-3 hours after her arrival) she was still sitting at the bar taking tequila shots and being loud and rowdy. I'm all for loud and rowdy, but when you're a 40-something recovered crack addict, should you really be getting wasted on anything? It just doesn't sit right with me. Maybe I'm being judgy, but whatever.

Ok, so we've established that the only people around LeBron are yes-men who tell him everything he wants to hear. Here's my question:

Did nobody smart or influential think to give LeBron a call and say "Hey, this TV special is totally ridiculous and will make you look like an asshole. I'd recommend against it." I mean, he's (allegedly) the best basketball player in the world, and nobody thought to tell him this was a dumb idea? I'm appalled, truly appalled.

Ok, so, the other obvious part of this equation is Dan Gilbert. I must say, as a Cavs fan, when I read that letter (about an hour after the announcement) I giggled, and I think my exact words were "God, Dan Gilbert is fucking awesome." And I think he had every right to say what he did, because I think people are misunderstanding his motives.

Dan Gilbert wasn't pissed that LeBron left Cleveland. Well, ok, he probably was, but that wasn't the biggest issue. Gilbert tried to contact LeBron for two months prior to this announcement, and LeBron did not return any calls or texts. That's not ok. If he had just told the Cavs, "hey, I've been involved in collusion with two other players, and I'm not coming back next year" they would have had a chance to go after other free agents, but they couldn't, because they still wanted to have the cap space open in case LeBron came back.

So, basically, LeBron fucked over the Cavs. And the Cavs fans, because we all piled on his bandwagon, even though some of us (myself included) thought he was a total douche, but he's just so good it's easy to overlook that. Now, however, I am officially done with LBJ. My only hope for the Miami Heat is that each player gets 25 points, 10 rebounds, and 0 assists because they're all such ball hogs, and they get plastered in the first round of the playoffs.

Although, the way my life goes (and the way most Cleveland fans sports lives go), I'm sure they'll win the next five championships and the Cavs will be nothing more than a high-salary D-League team.


well, I waited a whole 10 minutes

And I'm back for more.

I just flipped through some blogs on here and I've found some trends:

People living on boats/sailing/doing other boat-y activities
Unreadable because I don't speak Japanese

I'm sure there are more, but those are the main genres I found.

If these are the people on blogger, I'm doomed. No one will ever read this.


Alright, now that that's out of the way. Well, here I am, world. I would be willing to bet my entire net worth (if you don't include my car, I think that's about $2,000) that nobody will ever read this. Why would they? I'm totally boring. But... I'm also lonely. I live with my fiance, (fiancee? I don't know which is which. He's a dude.) and our two cats, and spend most of my days alone. I do book work for my future father-in-law's electricity company, and pull in a whopping $75 weekly. Yeah, I'm broke. But who isn't? I'll probably post on this more often than anyone reads it, but that's ok. My whole goal with this thing is to get my ideas out, and hopefully someone finds it.

More to come...